Friday, February 11, 2011

Deficit Reduction Commission

This is the link to the Defict Reduction Commssion Report.

A couple of excerpts bear quoting here.  The first is the plan summary.  This is as follows:
We propose a six-part plan to put our nation back on a path to fiscal health, promote economic growth, and protect the most vulnerable among us. Taken as a whole, the plan will:

Achieve nearly $4 trillion in deficit reduction through 2020, more than any effort in the nation’s history.

Reduce the deficit to 2.3% of GDP by 2015 (2.4% excluding Social Security reform), exceeding  President’s goal of primary balance (about 3% of GDP).2

Sharply reduce tax rates, abolish the AMT, and cut backdoor spending in the tax code.
Cap revenue at 21% of GDP and get spending below 22% and eventually to 21%.
Ensure lasting Social Security solvency, prevent the projected 22% cuts to come in 2037, reduce elderly poverty, and distribute the burden fairly.
Stabilize debt by 2014 and reduce debt to 60% of GDP by 2023 and 40% by 2035 

The Second part is the plan components. 

The plan has six major components:

1) Discretionary Spending Cuts: 2) Comprehensive Tax Reform: 3) Health Care Cost Containment:
4) Mandatory Savings: 5) Social Security Reforms to Ensure Long-Term Solvency and Reduce Poverty: 6) Process Changes:

As I write this the 112 Congress is attempting to address component #1 (Descretionary Spending).  But no other action appears to be contemplated.  The recommendations in this report make sense.  Why are they being ignored. 

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